Thursday, October 3, 2013

Do you think that the students at the highschool in the movie Mean Girls are how highschool students are in real life?


  1. I think that to a certain degree the movie correctly portrays the students in the movie. The part that is accurate is in the lunch room, who sits with who, like the jocks, popular girls, and other various social groups. I think that the "Mean girls" are not similar to the equivalent of popular girls in high school. Girls, at least not in this school are not as snobby, and mean as they are in the movie. I think that they over emphasized each social group, over portraying them

  2. I agree with Aaron on how there are cliques in Mean Girls like in real life. Although not all the cliques shown in Mean Girls are really seen in an average high school. One group that is shown in the movie that we don't see too much in real life is the group of students that were making out in the lunchroom with the company of other couples. The one group that doesn't exist for sure is the Mean Girls group. If there was a group of people like that, no matter how attractive, they wouldn't be accepted do how they treat most people.

  3. I believe that the students shown in the movie Mean Girls are a little overexxagerated of how real highschool students are. When i first came to highschool, i was suprised to see that people actually do stay in cliques and groups and the groups actually act and dress like eachother. When they showed the cafeteria scene in the movie, it showed so many groups of people. I compared that to Groves and realised that their interpretation is mostly true. At Groves there are groups of white nerds, white cool boys, white girl nerds, white cool girls, there are some girls who can be portrayed as mean girls in both white and black groups. There are goths here, asian nerds then some asian cool kids. There are black nerds and black cool people. There are people who dont care about school and people who do. The only difference about Groves is that even though we are seperated into our own little groups, we still interact with other groups and are not as open about being mean as in the movie. We arent afraid to talk to other groups of people and all together we are just one school, and that's how I think Groves is different.
